
How One Trainer Achieved a Student Project Success Rate of 78% and an ROI of 700%

After some two decades of training people in Lean Six Sigma, we have concluded that one issue hinders nearly everyone we train. Regardless of who is in front of the class, or who populates the classroom, getting students to apply a set of newly-acquired skills during their first project is a universal challenge. It is […]

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The basics of FMEA

A ‘failure mode and effects analysis’ (FMEA) is a systematic, and most importantly, pro–active method for evaluating a process or product to help you find out where, and how, it might fail. By knowing this before the failure even occurs in the first place you gain insight into the impact these different types of failures […]

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The Basics of Poka Yoke

The Lean Six Sigma methodology offers many tools to improve your processes with. To help you get started with these tools, we thought it helpful to highlight the most useful ones. In this article, we highlight ‘Poka Yoke’, a tool that can help you achieve better results even with a relatively minor investment. Let’s start […]

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Goal-setting Frameworks: a comparison between Hoshin Kanri and OKR

Ever participated in a Lean Six Sigma project or worked alongside of Continuous Improvement professionals? Then you will probably have heard it mentioned how big of a role organizational culture plays. And if not, then there’s something missing. Because let us tell you: the effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma initiatives and policies is closely tied […]

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The beginner guide to Lean Six Sigma for managers

Read time: 5-7 minutes Managerial positions have always been high on the list of personal career goals. Because of this, we felt it appropriate to render advice on the topic of management and Lean Six Sigma. The Lean Six Sigma Company has been a course provider since the early 2000’s and since that time we […]

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Lean Six Sigma Can Help You Survive A Crisis

To survive, you must adapt. To adapt, you must improve. To improve, you must organize. This mantra briefly summarizes the operational excellence philosophy of Continuous Improvement, a philosophy that stands at the center of many business improvement methodologies, including Lean Six Sigma. History is a circle The idea of Continuous Improvement is more relevant today […]

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